Jablonko Maring 1964 084

Collection(s) Allison Jablonko: Maring of Papua New Guinea (id: collection 44)
ID ODSAS set 1044
Author(s) Jablonko, Allison
IdRef IdRef: 078593794
Author(s) Jablonko, Marek
IdRef IdRef: 078593948
Owner Allison Jablonko
URI /set/1044
Year/Period 1964
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 17 Object(s)
Abstract Gunts : Burning Kane's garden : 1/1 or 1/2 Nintup folds r9mo Konos have killed Kua's pig Tenegump : Weu in Kabi's yard ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) eng

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