Man Without Pigs_Neg_Andrew Pike sound recording

Collection(s) Owen, Chris WORK (id: collection 77)
ID ODSAS set 2834
Author(s) Owen, Chris
Owner Pascale Bonnemère
URI /set/2834
Year/Period 1983-09
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 11 Object(s)
Abstract Digitised photo negatives of sound recording ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) bhg

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
279169 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279168 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording for Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279170 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279178 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279171 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279172 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279174 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279173 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279175 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279176 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)
279177 Chris OwenSeptember 1983Andrew Pike, sound recording on Man Without Pigs Tabara village, Oro Province Binandere (bhg)