Social Life outside Port Moresby_Prints_Diverse

Collection(s) Owen, Chris SOCIAL LIFE (id: collection 78)
ID ODSAS set 2960
Author(s) Owen, Chris
Owner Pascale Bonnemère
URI /set/2960
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 24 Object(s)
Abstract Digitised photo prints taken in different places of Papua New Guinea ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
281241 English (eng)
281242 English (eng)
281243 English (eng)
281244 English (eng)
281245 English (eng)
281246 English (eng)
281247 Chris OwenLoujaya Dunar (Kouza)?. Music depatment Student at the Art School. English (eng)
281248 Chris Owen English (eng)
281249 Chris OwenLuke?, a sailor living in Papua New Guinea with his Cook islands wife. English (eng)
281250 Chris Owen English (eng)
281251 Chris Owen English (eng)
281252 Chris OwenLukes'wife (from the Cook islands) English (eng)
281253 Chris Owen English (eng)
281254 English (eng)
281255 English (eng)
281256 English (eng)
281257 English (eng)
281258 Chris Owen with a member of a German film crew (and a white cacatoès) English (eng)
281259 around 1980 or 1981Roberto and ?? Pettini. Tiers-mondistes, sons of an Italian film producer. They travelled around the South-Pacific, especially in the Solomon Islands. Coastal location ? English (eng)
281260 Chris OwenUrgei Akon and Chris Owen English (eng)
281261 English (eng)
281262 English (eng)
281263 English (eng)
281264 English (eng)