Djugun Collection : Films

Collection(s) Djugun and Yawuru collection (id: collection 67)
ID ODSAS set 2360
Author(s) Glowczewski, Barbara
IdRef IdRef: 02689453X
Author(s) Torres Mamanyjum, Pat
Owner Pat Torres Mamanyjum, Barbara Glowczewski, Judith Hannoun
URI /set/2360
Browse Access set
Year/Period 2017
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 5 Object(s)
Abstract Movies of the Djugun Collection (Barbara Glowczewski) ...
Object typology Movies / Film
Language(s) eng

Table of Contents
Rank (id)ImageAuthor(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
268495 Jarndu Yawuru women's centre by Laurence Vale Vale, Laurence and Glowczewski, Barbara1995Jarndu Yawuru women's centre by Laurence Vale Broome, Djugun Country, Western Australia English (eng)
268494 Ngaangkiti, North West Kimberley oral history, film by Pat Torres and Wayne Barker, Djugun and Yawuru country, Western Australia Torres, Pat and Barker, Wayne1987Ngaangkiti, North West Kimberley oral history, film by Pat Torres and Wayne Barker, Djugun and Yawuru country, Western Australia Djugun and Yawuru country, Western Australia English (eng)