Archives de chercheurs: Barbara GlowczewskiAudio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Aus...70143<< >>
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Song Cycle Ngajukurla

 Teddy Morrison Jupurrurla, Lajamanu, 1995

Budgerigar/Puluwanti à Yinapaka

Teddy Morrison Jupurrurla, Lajamanu, 1995


translated from Warlpiri with Barbara Gibson Nakamarra (1995) and edited for the CD-ROM Dream trackers (UNESCO, 2000) by Barbara Glowczewski


wilpirimawulumanu palanjiri

that's the hollow log, that's Puluwanti kirlangu (belong to).




kuwajajala puluwantirla


Big mob kids in that Nungarrayi home, ngurra kuwajaja, home, big hollow log, that's his (her) place, he (she) bin call himself (herself). He bin sit in there all the time, that's his house, that's his home, puluwanti kirlangu (belongs to Owl). 


Nyampu (this one cycle) nobody run him, only me I can run him. Two brothers, yalpurru (co-initiates), Kenny Walker other one, sick now. In any place they bin learnim everybody Jungarrayi that’s his mother.



Puluwanti (song cycle), I run him my mother Yinapaka


kurdumilya milya minganminganypala

he bin makim ngipirri (eggs), watiyarla, hollow logrla (on the log)


minganminganypala ngarna milya milya

that he bin makim kurdu now, alright nyanungu

(the egg became a child, they saw it)


jangarambiri ya-puluwanti ya-pulurkura 



that old man one he bin tellim he bin start dancing

he bin learn him (taught) all young fellow


jabila jabila lamanlamanparna wiriri wiriri

(jabila jabila, new kids, maralya maralya for owl when they sit; and wiri wiri, bigger ones)

kids he bin hear him, purdanyangujana 

kurdukurdu yulami junga warujana nyangu

(they heard the children crying. True they saw them)



rapinpa laru yukupulayi

alright they sit down, kurdu kurdu, the children, (in the) house, he bin learn him kirdanyanu (their father taught them. (The Bird people) puluwanti (owl), ngatijirri (budgerigar) where they sit down longa tree, that’s it, that’s from Dreamtime.





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Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski [Collection(s) 28]
Audio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Australia, 1984 [Set(s) 709]
Meta data
Object(s) ID 70143
Permanent URI
Title/DescriptionSong cycle Puluwanti/Owl, in hollow log; Kuwajaja ? home Nungarrayi ?he made kurdu now? old man bin tell him he start dancing. / kurdu kurdu longa 'table' now / I bin leave him... let him go / ?table' / dabala lamanampanyi / kurdu kurdu he bin hear him / right him yula / ?nyingdydu learn him now / dalbinpala... yakarra / they sit him kurdu kurdu / he bin learn kirdayarru / NGATIJIRRI/Budgerigar sit down in creek / all going now / kirdanyarru panija / yarrylpa jukumpa / same one dancing / kurdu kurja not brolga - black bird goose / taparung heavy big bird black one / one yarriki for Jul Jyi / kulankanyi / pelican / in Fitzroy which one you do? / Ngader / Ngumulumu / right through tanami / went side from Jangala/Jampijinpa & Jakamarra/Jupurrurla we dance pelican for your mob for Japangardi/Japanangka / Fitzroy takes same Wives from here / when he dance for s-in-law M-in-law that's the law and daddy might be D.d / sister kurdiji
Author(s)Teddy Morrison Jupurrurla
LocationLajamanu, Tanami Desert, Central Australia
Coordinateslat -35.27 / long 149.08
Copyright Barbara Glowczewski
Rank 79 / 83
Filesize ? Kb
Transcription[ See/hide ]
Tape37 side 2
Quote this document Glowczewski, Barbara 1995 [accessed: 2025/2/17]. "Song cycle Puluwanti/Owl, in hollow log; Kuwajaja ? home Nungarrayi ?he made kurdu now? old man bin tell him he start dancing. / kurdu kurdu longa 'table' now / I bin leave him... let him go / ?table' / dabala lamanampanyi / kurdu kurdu he bin hear him / right him yula / ?nyingdydu learn him now / dalbinpala... yakarra / they sit him kurdu kurdu / he bin learn kirdayarru / NGATIJIRRI/Budgerigar sit down in creek / all going now / kirdanyarru panija / yarrylpa jukumpa / same one dancing / kurdu kurja not brolga - black bird goose / taparung heavy big bird black one / one yarriki for Jul Jyi / kulankanyi / pelican / in Fitzroy which one you do? / Ngader / Ngumulumu / right through tanami / went side from Jangala/Jampijinpa & Jakamarra/Jupurrurla we dance pelican for your mob for Japangardi/Japanangka / Fitzroy takes same Wives from here / when he dance for s-in-law M-in-law that's the law and daddy might be D.d / sister kurdiji" (Object Id: 70143). In Audio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Australia, 1984 . Tape: 37 side 2. ODSAS: