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Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1 / Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1 / Commissaires, Résidents /  Vanuatu/ Vanuatu
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

Joint Regulutiam [18 uf 1941

4. (1) Between the 1st September, 1941, and the 30th
November, 1941, inclusive, lhe importation 01' any French ban]:
notes other than bank notes issued by tire Bank 01‘ Indo-China.
Nnuméa, and overprinted with lhe approved design “Nouvelles-
Hébrides—Franoe Libre” with a Lorraine Cross is prohibiœd.

(2) During the said period sny person arriving from oversess
and heing in possession or oonlrol ot' any snch prohibited bank
notes shall before disernbnrking in 1b: New Hein-ides deliver 111cm
to the Passport Control Ofiioer at the port where 11e enter: the New
Hebrides or, in the absence 01‘ snclr Pnssport Contra] Ofioer, to a
Cusloms Ofiîcer, who shsll transmit the saine to une 01' the Com-
mandants ot‘ Police with a circnmstanüal report.

(3) Any District Aynt, Police Oflioer or Customs Oflioer may
search any vessel, civil aircnfl, and in particular any cargo aboard
suoh vessei or aircraft, and any passenger and bis personal luggsge
on suspicion 01' being connected with an ofi'enoe against this Article,
and my demin in custody nny person reasonnbly suspected of
having œmmitted such an ofi‘enoe and may seize any prohibited
bank noms thus 1'onndr

(4) No woman shall, in pursuanoe 01' the provisions cf sub-
Article (3) obove be searched exoept by a womam

(S) The Chief Censor nnd any member 01' the censorship staff
deputed by him and th: Collecter ot' Customs may open and examine
any letter or panel coming inw their passion on suspicion of
being connected wilh nn oflence agninst Lhis Regulation and may
seize any prohibited bank noœs thus found. Such bank notes shall
be handed over to one 01' the Commandants of Police together with n
report cf me circumstanoes in which they have been seized.

5. Any prohibited bank notes surmndered in virtue of lhe
terms of Article 4 (2) hereof shnll be held by Lhe Condominium
Administration untîl the fir‘st day of Deoember 1941, and shall then
be returned w 111e persan who ariginally surrendered them.

Provided thés! tire Resident Commissioners mayjointly suthorize
any snch bank notes to be exported from the New Hebrides on the
demsnd 01‘ the snid persan st any date prier lo the first day cf
December, 1941.

(2) At the and 01' tire period mentioned in Article 4 (1) hereoî
the Commandants ot' Police shall submit to the Resident Commis—
sionets a consolidated return of prohibited bnnk notes seizcd under
the provisions 01' Articles 4 (3) and 4 (5) hereof during the said
period tngelher with a report on 1.11a cirvumstanoes of mi] seizurc
and Lhe Resident Commissioners shall order the disposal of such
bank notes as (bey think fit.


cf impens-
rion ot'
Prends bmk
noms odlnr


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Oceania - Pacific early and rare books and writings -- Océanie - Pacifique: livres et textes anciens et rares [Collection(s) 2]
Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1 [Set(s) 1918]
Meta data
Object(s) ID 197512
Permanent URI https://www.odsas.net/object/197512
Title/DescriptionRèglementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1
Author(s)Commissaires, Résidents
Location Vanuatu/ Vanuatu
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright The owner has not defined any specific copyright. By default you are not allowed to copy information from this page
Rank 507 / 754
Filesize 404 Kb | 1073 x 1517 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
Transcription[ See/hide ]
Quote this document Commissaires, Résidents 1973 [accessed: 2024/6/2]. "Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1" (Object Id: 197512). In Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1. ODSAS: https://www.odsas.net/object/197512.
Exif FileNamenouvelles_heb_reglem_vol1_507.jpg
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