Collection(s) - Owner :
Alexandre FRANçOIS

Curriculum Vitae
Alexandre FRANçOIS

Alexandre FRANÇOIS is a linguist, affiliated with CNRS’ department LaTTiCe (Langues, Textes, Traitements informatiques, Cognition) in Paris, and with the Australian National University in Canberra. He has done fieldwork in Vanuatu (Santo, Banks Is, Torres Is) and in the Solomon Islands (Vanikoro). He document the vernacular languages, as well as cultural practices such as dance, music, poetry, and oral literature.

Archives de chercheurs: Alexandre François, Carnets de terrain / Field notes - Solomon Islands

ID: ODSAS collection 48
Owner(s): Alexandre François
Description: This collection has 15 Set(s) (0 open and 15 restricted) with 313 Object(s)

Abstract: This collection (currently in construction) brings together the field notes created by linguist Alexandre François (LACITO-CNRS; A.N.U.) during his field trips to eastern Solomon Islands, in 2005 and 2012.

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Archives de chercheurs: Alexandre François, Carnets de terrain / Field notes - Vanuatu

ID: ODSAS collection 49
Owner(s): Alexandre François
Description: This collection has 71 Set(s) (6 open and 65 restricted) with 2532 Object(s)

Abstract: This collection (currently in construction) brings together the field notes created by linguist Alexandre François (LACITO-CNRS; A.N.U.) during his various field trips to northern Vanuatu, after 1997.

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