Funerals in Malekula. Contains Attenborough's The Tribal Eye movie as well as papers published in relation to the funerals.

Collection(s) Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu (id: collection 38)
ID ODSAS set 2151
Author(s) Attenborough, David
IdRef IdRef: 026694190
Author(s) Guideri, Remo
Author(s) Huchet, Catherine D.
Author(s) Muller, Kal
IdRef IdRef: 130614718
Owner Laurent Dousset, Judith Hannoun
URI /set/2151
Year/Period 1972-1981
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 80 Object(s)
Abstract Attenborough, David 1975. The Tribal Eye. Episode 6, Man Blong Custom, : London: BBC. -- Includes the full episode 6 and the extract of the film with only the funerals in Malekula. ...
Object typology Movies / Film
Language(s) eng, fra

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
228350 Attenborough, David1975Attenborough, David 1975. The Tribal Eye. Episode 6, Man Blong Custom : London: BBC (Only Malekula Funerals, enhanced) English (eng)
228351 Attenborough, David1975Attenborough, David 1975. The Tribal Eye. Episode 6, Man Blong Custom : London: BBC (Only Malekula Funerals, enhanced) English (eng)
228276 Guideri, Remo1981Nineteen tableaux on the cult of the dead in Malekula, Eastern Melanesia English (eng)
228309 Huchet, Catherine D.1976Fête funéraire à Lendombwey (Centre-Sud Malekula) English (eng)
228316 Muller Kal 1972Field notes on the Small Nambas of the New Hebrides English (eng)
228336 Muller, Kal1972Field notes on the Small Nambas of the New Hebrides (suite) English (eng)