Manuscrit de LIYAN - Magabala books

Collection(s) Djugun and Yawuru collection (id: collection 67)
ID ODSAS set 2627
Author(s) Glowczewski, Barbara
IdRef IdRef: 02689453X
Owner Pat Torres Mamanyjum, Barbara Glowczewski, Judith Hannoun
URI /set/2627
Year/Period 1999
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 199 Object(s)
Abstract The story of a living culture Jarndu Yawuru Oral History Project Project conducted by Theresa Barker with Joe Bernard, Alberta Bin Omar, Cissy and Stanley Djiagween, Francis Djiagween, Cass Drummond, Doris and Tommy Edgar, Elsie Edgar, Jack Edg ...
Object typology Manuscripts / Manuscript
Language(s) eng

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