A Long Night with Lethal Guests-Hagahai_Neg_Jenkins' family

Collection(s) Owen, Chris WORK (id: collection 77)
ID ODSAS set 2726
Author(s) Owen, Chris
Owner Pascale Bonnemère
URI /set/2726
Year/Period 1986
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 11 Object(s)
Abstract Digitised photo negatives of the Jenkins' family among the Hagahai ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) pnn

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
278285 Chris OwenCarol Jenkins and her two sons in the helicopter to or back from the Hagahai territory Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278289 Chris OwenGeorge Anian (PNG Institute of Medical Research staff) taking a picture and Jenkins' eldest son with Hagahai boys Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278290 Chris OwenGeorge Anian (PNG Institute of Medical Research staff) taking a picture and Jenkins' eldest son with Hagahai boys. Carol Jenkins in the backgrouns. Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278291 Chris OwenJenkins' eldest son (Aaron?) Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278288 Chris OwenJenkins' eldest son with Hagahai men Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278292 Chris OwenJenkins' second son being fed by a Hagahai woman Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278295 Jenkins' second son in a Hagahai woman's arms Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278294 Chris OwenJenkins' second son with Hagahai women Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278293 Chris OwenJenkins' youngest son being fed by a Hagahai woman Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278286 Chris OwenTravis Jenkins in the helicopter going to or back from the Hagahai territory Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278287 Chris OwenTravis Jenkins with a Hagahai boy Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)