A Long Night with Lethal Guests-Hagahai_Neg_Film crew

Collection(s) Owen, Chris WORK (id: collection 77)
ID ODSAS set 2728
Author(s) Owen, Chris
Owner Pascale Bonnemère
URI /set/2728
Year/Period 1986
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 20 Object(s)
Abstract Digitised photo negatives of the film crew members ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
278350 July 1984Chris Owen standing next to a Hagahai man and holding his camera Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278342 July 1984Oliver Howes, director and sound recordist English (eng)
278343 July 1984Oliver Howes, director and sound recordist with a Hagahai man English (eng)
278344 July 1984Carol Jenkins, IMR staff (from behind) and Oliver Howes taking a picture Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278345 July 1984A Hagahai man holding Chris Owen's camera Pinai-Hagahai (pnn)
278346 July 1984Chris Owen, cinematographer on the film A long night with lethal guests English (eng)
278347 July 1984Chris Owen, cinematographer on the film A long night with lethal guests with a Hagahai man English (eng)
278348 July 1984Oliver Howes, director and sound recordist with a Hagahai man English (eng)
278349 July 1984Oliver Howes, director and sound recordist with a Hagahai man English (eng)
278341 July 1984Oliver Howes, director and sound recordist English (eng)
278351 July 1984Chris Owen standing next to a Hagahai man and holding his camera English (eng)
282876 July 1984Oliver Howes, director of the film A long night with lethal guest, and sound recordist. English (eng)
282875 July 1984Chris Owen in the helicopter to or back from the Hagahai territory English (eng)
282874 July 1984Chris Owen in the helicopter to or back from the Hagahai territory English (eng)
282873 Chris OwenJuly 1984Oliver Howes, director of the film A long night with lethal guests in the helicopter to or back from the Hagahai territory English (eng)
282872 July 1984A Hagahai woman (?) in a helicopter English (eng)
282878 July 1984Chris Owen, cinematographer on the film A long night with lethal guests English (eng)
282877 July 1984Chris Owen, cinematographer on the film A long night with lethal guests English (eng)