Bridewealth for a Goddess_Prints_Andrew_Strathern

Collection(s) Owen, Chris WORK (id: collection 77)
ID ODSAS set 2735
Author(s) Owen, Chris
Owner Pascale Bonnemère
URI /set/2735
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 17 Object(s)
Abstract Digitised photo prints of Andrew Strathern ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
278542 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern (from behind) and Gary Kildea taking a picture during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278557 Gary KildeaNovember 1985Andrew Strathern (left) and Chris Owen (right) during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278546 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern being decorated by Kawelka men for the Amb Kor ceremony during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278548 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern being decorated by a Kawelka man for the Amb Kor ceremony during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278558 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278559 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern taking a picture during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278553 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern with Kawelka people during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278547 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern with Kawelka people during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278554 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern with Kawelka women during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278555 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern with Kawelka women during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278551 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern with Ru Kundil and Kawelka people during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278545 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern with Ru Kundil and Kawelka people during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278552 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern with Ru Kundil with Kawelka people during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278550 Chris OwenNovember 1985Andrew Strathern with a Kawelka woman during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278543 Gary KildeaNovember 1985Chris Owen (left) and Andrew Strathern (right) with Kawelka people behind during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278544 Chris OwenNovember 1985Description in Tok Pisin by Chris Owen of the previous picture Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)
278549 Chris OwenNovember 1985Ru Kundil (left) and Andrew Strathern (right) during the filming of Bridewealth for a Goddess Kuk, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea English (eng)