To become a Baruya Woman

Collection(s) Allison Jablonko : Baruya of Papua New Guinea (id: collection 85)
ID ODSAS set 3186
Author(s) Jablonko, Allison
IdRef IdRef: 078593794
Owner Allison Jablonko
URI /set/3186
Year/Period 1969, 1981-1982
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 148 Object(s)
Abstract Working documents for the projected film "To become a Baruya Woman" ...
Object typology Other Document / Document
Language(s) eng

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
309237 1969 1981 1982 English (eng)
309239 2010/10/27Working documents for the projected film "To become a Baruya Woman" English (eng)