Various photographs from the Western Desert of Australia

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 397
Author(s) Mountford, Charles Pearcy
IdRef IdRef: 075440512
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/397
Year/Period 1950
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 18 Object(s)
Abstract Various photographs, some taken from books, on the Western Desert ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
40195 A Kutturu duel, Aluridja tribe English (eng)
40196 Aluridja men pointing the bone English (eng)
40198 Aluridja woman. Note matted locks and asymmetry on breasts English (eng)
40209 Alastair BrunsEaerly days of Kintore Kintore, Western Desert, Western Asutralia, Northern Territory English (eng)
40199 Female wood-carriers, Aluridja tribe English (eng)
40202 Hut decked with porcupine grass, Arltunga district English (eng)
40206 Jeremy Long with Anatjari and family, Western Desert English (eng)
40207 Laurent Dousset1999Mulga plain north-east of Rawlinons Ranges, Western Desert, Western Australia Rawlinson Ranges English (eng)
40201 Old men introducing a dance during an initiation ceremony, Kukata tribe / Circumcision ceremony, Kukata tribe English (eng)
40208 Alastair BrunsPhotographs by Alastaire Bruns, including Tjakamarra at early years of Kintore Kintore, Western Desert, Western Asutralia, Northern Territory English (eng)
40203 Tooth-rapping ceremony, Wongapitcha tribe English (eng)
40210 Women preparing for ritual, drawing on sand English (eng)
40212 Women ritual dancing/ dance (Aborigines, Australia) English (eng)
40211 Women's ritual English (eng)
40197 Wongapitcha man shaping a spear-thrower with an adze / Aluridja man scraping a boomerang with a sharp stone flake English (eng)
40204 Wongapitcha men wearing ornamental wooden hair-pins known as "elenba". Note charcoal rubbed over the foreheads English (eng)
40205 Wongapitcha warrior, so-called Semitic type English (eng)
40200 Wongapitcha woman, wearing ungawaina (nose-stick), and fut-string bandeau / Wongapitcha woman, wearing bloodwood seed pendants called dindula. Note "Semitic" nose. English (eng)