Oksapmin Pandanus

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Lorenzo Brutti, photographies chez les Oksapmin de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée (id: collection 7)
ID ODSAS set 51
Author(s) Brutti, Lorenzo
IdRef IdRef: 102540160
Owner Lorenzo Brutti
URI /set/51
Browse Access set
Year/Period 1995-2000
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 15 Object(s)
Abstract Photographs taken by Lorenzo Brutto among the Oksapmin of Papua New Guinea ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
14570 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14571 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14572 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14573 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14574 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14575 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14576 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14577 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14578 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14579 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14580 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14581 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14582 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14583 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)
14584 Lorenzo Brutti1995-2000 Papua New Guinea English (eng)