Drawings of Yawulyu (women) body pattern, Lajamanu 1984

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski (id: collection 28)
ID ODSAS set 675
Author(s) Glowczewski, Barbara
IdRef IdRef: 02689453X
Owner Judith Hannoun, Barbara Glowczewski
URI /set/675
Year/Period 1984
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 27 Object(s)
Abstract This notebook presents by Dreamings the patterns of the Lajamanu women body paintings drawned in the notebooks and photographed in 1984 (see all yawulyu sets) ...
Object typology Drawings / Manuscript
Language(s) eng, fra, wbp

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
65491 Barbara Glowczewski1984Yawulyu Kuruwarri (women's body paint) Lajamanu, Central Australia English (eng)
65492 Barbara Glowczewski1984Yawulyu Kuruwarri (women's body paint) Lajamanu, Central Australia English (eng)