Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman (sound recording 2005)

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 853
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Author(s) Ellis, Marrkilyi
IdRef IdRef: 235494917
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/853
Year/Period 2005
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 334 Object(s)
Abstract 945 minutes of recording of an interview with an Australian Western Desert woman recalling the first years of contact with the Western world, her schooling, professional and ritual life, her family life etc. ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) eng, ntj

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
87752 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-06-21Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 01Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87775 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-06-22Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 02Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87800 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-06-23Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 03Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87825 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-06-26Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 04Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87847 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-06-27Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 05Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87868 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-06-28Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 06Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87890 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-06-29Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 07Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87913 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-07-01Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 08Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87934 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-07-01Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 09Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87951 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-07-11Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 10Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87974 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-07-12Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 11Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
87998 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-07-13Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 12Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
88019 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-07-14Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 13Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
88041 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-07-15Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 14Australia, Western Desert English (eng)
88064 Markily Giles and Laurent Dousset2005-07-18Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman in 16 hours sound recording Tape : 15Australia, Western Desert English (eng)