Film Baruya mai 1969

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Maurice Godelier, Carnets de Terrains chez les Baruya de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée (id: collection 8)
ID ODSAS set 910
Author(s) Jablonko, Allison
IdRef IdRef: 078593794
Author(s) Jablonko, Marek
IdRef IdRef: 078593948
Owner Maurice Godelier, Pierre Lemonnier, Pascale Bonnemère
URI /set/910
Year/Period 1969
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 51 Object(s)
Abstract A research film of fieldwork among the Baruya, a Kukakuka tribe of the eastern highlands New Guinea. Film-makers - Allison & Marek Jablonko - Resident Anthropologist - Maurice Godelier. Summary, Index & film Event descriptions written in the f ...
Object typology Other Document / Document
Language(s) eng

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