Maring Drawings / 1963

Collection(s) Allison Jablonko: Maring of Papua New Guinea (id: collection 44)
ID ODSAS set 932
Author(s) Jablonko, Allison
IdRef IdRef: 078593794
Author(s) Jablonko, Marek
IdRef IdRef: 078593948
Owner Allison Jablonko
URI /set/932
Year/Period 1963-1964-1968
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 619 Object(s)
Abstract Drawings and paintings by Maring people in the hamlet of Gunt', Simbai Valley in 1963, 1964 and 1968. Dessins et peintures réalisés par les Maring en 1963, 1964 et 1968 ...
Object typology Drawings / Manuscript
Language(s) eng

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
93818 Marek's handwriting, Allison's typing1968Cover of folder "Drawings by Fungais 1968" Papua New Guinea, Maring People English (eng)
93819 Allison's handwriting1968Wrapped set "Maring Paintings Dec. 1 - 8, 1968" contains 17 drawings by 6 boys and 1 man Papua New Guinea, Maring People English (eng)
93821 Konduai1968 DecemberKonduai's drawing, overleaf Papua New Guinea, Maring People English (eng)
93822 Kwiank1968 December 1Kwiank described this as "buk nkongong" = writing Papua New Guinea, Maring People English (eng)
93823 Kwiank1968 December 1Kwiank's drawing - overleaf Papua New Guinea, Maring People English (eng)
93825 Din1968 December 1Din's drawing - overleaf [The drawing was on the back of a budget "for the production of visual and sound records in one culture."] Papua New Guinea, Maring People English (eng)
93827 Goli 1968 December 1Goli's drawing, overleaf Papua New Guinea, Maring People English (eng)
93829 Maia 1968 December 1Maia overleaf - on page 11 of budget for still photography for Project proposal Papua New Guinea, Maring People English (eng)