CUE J's color slides index

Collection(s) Allison Jablonko: Maring of Papua New Guinea (id: collection 44)
ID ODSAS set 959
Author(s) Jablonko, Allison
IdRef IdRef: 078593794
Author(s) Jablonko, Marek
IdRef IdRef: 078593948
Owner Allison Jablonko
URI /set/959
Year/Period 1963
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 115 Object(s)
Abstract Color slides index from 1 to 102 ...
Object typology Index-Repertories / Document
Language(s) eng

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
98848 Alison Jablonko1963 August 25aj-mj cue film color 24 - Food presentation in Gunts English (eng)