Assimilating Identities: Social Networks and the Diffusion of Sections (Book)

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 1065
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/1065
Browse Access set
Year/Period 2005
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 116 Object(s)
Abstract The book is a reconstruction of the history and routes of diffusion of the section system and its associated terminology in the Western Desert of Australia. Combining anthropological, linguistic, historical and statistical approaches, it elaborates a ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) eng

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