Lajamanu 1988

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski (id: collection 28)
ID ODSAS set 817
Author(s) Glowczewski, Barbara
IdRef IdRef: 02689453X
Owner Judith Hannoun, Barbara Glowczewski
URI /set/817
Browse Access set
Year/Period 1988
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 162 Object(s)
Abstract Returning for Fieldwork: the acrylic painting boost ...
Object typology Field books / Manuscript
Language(s) eng, fra, wbp

Table of Contents
Rank (id)ImageAuthor(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
84199 Pampiriya Margaret Nungarrayi and and Barbara Nungarrayi; Returning for Fieldwork: the acrylic painting boost Barbara Glowczewski1988Pampiriya Margaret Nungarrayi and and Barbara Nungarrayi; Returning for Fieldwork: the acrylic painting boost Lajamanu English (eng)
84276 Barbara Glowczewski, Kajingarra Napangardi, Jean Napurrurla body painting during public Yawulyu Barbara Glowczewski1988Barbara Glowczewski, Kajingarra Napangardi, Jean Napurrurla body painting during public Yawulyu Yuendumu sports weekend English (eng)