Life and youth in the Lajamanu camps 1984

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski (id: collection 28)
ID ODSAS set 820
Author(s) Glowczewski, Barbara
IdRef IdRef: 02689453X
Owner Judith Hannoun, Barbara Glowczewski
URI /set/820
Browse Access set
Year/Period 1984
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 170 Object(s)
Abstract Warlpiri people used to camp outdoors. Very few had houses. Young people used to play on the football ground & dance rock & roll in the "rec(reation)" hall. Warumpi Band came once... ...
Object typology Field books / Manuscript
Language(s) eng, fra, wbp
Graphic annotations
Access George Burrarrwanga from Warumpi Band
Object(s) ID 84556
Object type ODSAS Field books
Object type Zotero manuscript
Permanent URI
Title Warumpi Band playing
Author(s) Barbara Glowczewski (Glowczewski, Barbara)
Language(s) English
Year/Period 1984
Geography Lajamanu, Central Australia ( Australia/ Australie)
Publisher ODSAS
Set(s) Life and youth in the Lajamanu camps 1984