
Remo Guideri

Funerals in Malekula. Contains Attenborough's The Tribal Eye movie as well as papers published in relation to the funerals.

Collection(s) Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu (id: collection 38)
ID ODSAS set 2151
Author(s) Attenborough, David
IdRef IdRef: 026694190
Author(s) Guideri, Remo
Author(s) Huchet, Catherine D.
Author(s) Muller, Kal
IdRef IdRef: 130614718
Owner Laurent Dousset, Judith Hannoun
URI /set/2151
Year/Period 1972-1981
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 80 Object(s)
Abstract Attenborough, David 1975. The Tribal Eye. Episode 6, Man Blong Custom, : London: BBC. -- Includes the full episode 6 and the extract of the film with only the funerals in Malekula. ...
Object typology Movies / Film
Language(s) eng, fra