
Joe Bernard

Manuscrit LIYAN

Collection(s) Djugun and Yawuru collection (id: collection 67)
ID ODSAS set 2626
Author(s) Torres Barker, Theresa
Author(s) Bernard, Joe
Author(s) Bin Omar, Alberta
Author(s) Djiagween, Cissy
Author(s) Djiagween, Stanley
Author(s) Djiagween, Francis
Author(s) Drumond, Cass
Author(s) Edgar, Doris
Author(s) Edgar, Tommy
Author(s) Edgar, Elsie
Author(s) Edgar, Jack
Author(s) Edgar, Felix
Author(s) Edgar, Freddie
Author(s) Gilbert, Matthew
Author(s) Jackamarra, Clara
Author(s) Manolis, Mary
Author(s) McKenna, Eddie
Author(s) McKenzie, Mary
IdRef IdRef: 066993342
Author(s) Marabala, Tommy
Author(s) Peters, Johnny
Author(s) Robinson, Margaret
Author(s) Saddler, Thelma
Author(s) Sebastian, Frank
Author(s) Tarran, Mary
Author(s) Torres Mamanyjum, Pat
Owner Pat Torres Mamanyjum, Barbara Glowczewski, Judith Hannoun
URI /set/2626
Year/Period 1994
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 209 Object(s)
Abstract JARNDU YAWURU ORAL HISTORY PROJECT Theresa Barker, Joe Bernard, Alberta Bin Omar, Cissy and Stanley Djiagween, Francis Djiagween, Cass Drummond, Doris and Tommy Edgar, Elsie Edgar, Jack Edgar, Felix Edgar, Freddie Edgar, Matthew Gilbert, Clara ...
Object typology Manuscripts / Manuscript
Language(s) eng