
Arthur Bernard Deacon

Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides

Collection(s) Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu (id: collection 38)
ID ODSAS set 833
Author(s) Deacon, Arthur Bernard
IdRef IdRef: 03299219X
Owner Laurent Dousset, Judith Hannoun
URI /set/833
Browse Access set
Year/Period 1934
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 901 Object(s)
Abstract Arthur Bernard Deacon, 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. Edited by Camilla H. Wedgwood, with a Preface by A.C. Haddon. London: George Routledge & Sons, LTS. Broadway House: 68-74 Carter Lane, E.C.. 1934 ...
Object typology Books / Book
Language(s) eng