
Ian Dunlop

1970/1 Diary

Collection(s) Australian Archives and Texts (id: collection 37)
ID ODSAS set 311
Author(s) Dunlop, Ian
IdRef IdRef: 18456509X
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/311
Year/Period 1970
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 40 Object(s)
Abstract Research trip diary recorded on location at Yirrkala on an initial research trip in February 1970. (A second trip to Yirrkala to begin filming took place later the same year.) ...
Object typology Field books / Manuscript
Language(s) eng

70/1 Slides

Collection(s) Australian Archives and Texts (id: collection 37)
ID ODSAS set 312
Author(s) Dunlop, Ian
IdRef IdRef: 18456509X
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/312
Year/Period 1970
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 141 Object(s)
Abstract Yirrkala Film Project slides ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork