
Western Desert

Autobiography by a Ngaatjatjarra woman (sound recording 2005)

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 853
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Author(s) Ellis, Marrkilyi
IdRef IdRef: 235494917
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/853
Year/Period 2005
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 334 Object(s)
Abstract 945 minutes of recording of an interview with an Australian Western Desert woman recalling the first years of contact with the Western world, her schooling, professional and ritual life, her family life etc. ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) eng, ntj

Assimilating Identities: Social Networks and the Diffusion of Sections (Book)

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 1065
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/1065
Browse Access set
Year/Period 2005
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 116 Object(s)
Abstract The book is a reconstruction of the history and routes of diffusion of the section system and its associated terminology in the Western Desert of Australia. Combining anthropological, linguistic, historical and statistical approaches, it elaborates a ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) eng

Western Desert early contacts

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 394
Author(s) Tonkinson, Robert
IdRef IdRef: 033731802
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/394
Year/Period 1966
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 57 Object(s)
Abstract Photographies prises par Robert Tonkinson lorsqu'il accompagna Dunlop qui tournait le film: DUNLOP I., HOWE TUCKER R. (photography) & TONKINSON R. (scientific adviser) 1966. Desert People (Film), : Sydney: Australian Commonwealth Film Unit for Austra ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) ntj

West Australian Expedition to Warburton, Mitika and Rawlinson

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 395
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/395
Year/Period 1957
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 31 Object(s)
Abstract An expedition to Warburton and the Rawlinson Ranges by the West Australian, including Rupert Murdock, to investigate about alleged mistreatment of Aborigines. This happened less than a year after the establishment of the Giles Meteorological Station ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) ntj

Tindale at Kudjuntari

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 396
Author(s) Tindale, Norman
IdRef IdRef: 093642806
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/396
Year/Period 1963
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 44 Object(s)
Abstract Portrait photographs taken by Norman Tindale at Kudjuntari, just east of Giles Meteorological Station in the Rawlinson Ranges. / The photographs are scanned twice, once from old prints, once from negatives. The quality of the photographs is not very ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) ntj

Various photographs from the Western Desert of Australia

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 397
Author(s) Mountford, Charles Pearcy
IdRef IdRef: 075440512
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/397
Year/Period 1950
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 18 Object(s)
Abstract Various photographs, some taken from books, on the Western Desert ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork

Vocabulaire de Parenté Ngaatjatjarra / Ngaatjatjarra kinship terminology

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 430
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/430
Browse Access set
Year/Period 1997
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 34 Object(s)
Abstract Ensemble de mots du domaine de la parenté, de l'organisation sociale et des noms personnels utilisés par les Ngaatjatarra du Désert de l'Ouest australien ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) eng, fra, ntj

Carnet de Terrain, Tjukurla Avril-Mai 2002, Laurent Dousset

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 461
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/461
Year/Period 2002
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 264 Object(s)
Abstract Séjour à Tjukurla sur divers sujets, donc parenté et perception cognitive, brûlage, communauté et politique. ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) fra, ntj

Genealogies in Tjukurla, Central Reserve, WA (Field notes 1)

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 656
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/656
Year/Period 1996
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 75 Object(s)
Abstract Genealogies in Tjukurla, Central Reserve (Field notes 1). Study of kinship and social organization in the Western Desert. AIATSIS Grant no. L95/4916. Time-frame of grant included here: 01 of April to 01 of May 1996. ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) eng, ntj

Notes de Terrain (P1), Ngaatjatjarra

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 657
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/657
Year/Period 1994-1996
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 89 Object(s)
Abstract Notes de Terrain (P1). Notes choisies et hors contrats. Ngaatjatjarra, Novembre 1994 à  Juin 1996. Voir aussi Fieldnotes 1 et Fieldnotes 2. ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) fra, ntj

Dessins des parties corporelles et animaux

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 658
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/658
Browse Access set
Year/Period 1995
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 12 Object(s)
Abstract Dessins par l'auteur, accompagnés de certaines annotations en Ngaatjatjarra, Désert de l'Ouest australien ...
Object typology Drawings / Manuscript
Language(s) ntj

Notes de Terrain (P4), Ngaatjatjarra

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 661
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/661
Year/Period 1997
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 49 Object(s)
Abstract Notes de Terrain (personnelles). Ngaatjatjarra. Mars 1997 à Juin 1997. ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) fra, ntj

A la recherche des Aluridja: Parenté et Organisation Sociale chez les Ngaatjatjarra du Désert de l'Ouest Australien

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Laurent Dousset: Aborigines of the Australian Western Desert / Aborigènes du Désert de l'Ouest Australien (id: collection 18)
ID ODSAS set 584
Author(s) Dousset, Laurent
IdRef IdRef: 116045418
Owner Laurent Dousset
URI /set/584
Browse Access set
Year/Period 1999
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 513 Object(s)
Abstract Thèse de doctorat, soustenue à l'EHESS le 06 Décembre 1999. Jury: Mr Emmanuel DÉSVEAUX (Maître de Conférences, EHESS) Mme Barbara GLOWCZEWSKI-BARKER (Chargé de Recherches, CNRS) Mr Maurice GODELIER (Directeur de thèse, Directeur d'Etudes ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork
Language(s) fra, ntj