Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, VanuatuDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People i...85999>>
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Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides (833)

diagrammatic sketch amel vanuatu nouvelles hébrides malekula south west house north lage life hunting used seniang warfare order kinship organization mewun clans lages showing dual bond lustrating relationship rights duties relatives father mother mother's brother father's sister awei grandparents aavu parents clan wien laus terms lambumbu dren brothers sisters husband wife descent lagalag laravat central east nambas marou senbarei district sexual marriage ritual relations adultery regulation diagr method planting yams property mark operative pigs grades tusks gift exchange legend structure tomman island canoe section hull weapons types malekulan arrow heads methods bone point carving hard wood causes preparation peace making rites birth initiation arrangement incised presents maternal uncle incision circumcision nimangki society small temes designs painted face body members different entrance ceremonies naamb naai mbalmbal object belonging grade nevet nevelvel nimwe mwelip neliwis noulas naamel nimew nelemew penis carved gong bought singing vavwe malua interior conclusion sexes economic land graph increasing value according size early stages growth later development tusk curvature construction infancy insignia mbat namu stone mbal dancing ground plan native character distribution cultures people view young boys outside districts list work note introduction text plates deacon nalawan longitudinal naainggol ceremonial wooden limbu numbou nemen nisamp nitevis nimbatin nimbw ambar mbamp timbarap vinbamp masks malau mask head tlel societies design decorating screens skull long bones lying nevinbur performance second objects connected position dancers dance women lapas bullroarers bamboo gongs beating erecting platform hung death disposal dead funeral naandu celebration mourning rambaramp beliefs concerning soul spirit geometrical cult holding wearing totemism neerew nesan story ambat kabat hambat giant nogho abwe logho melpmes living sacred pottery stands lembelag nogharo magic black garden ensure yield condition performer sickness treatment performers magician northern hebrides kava fragment texts stories myths recorded translated wholly dialect creation nevinbumbaau large creeper ghosts climb called worked glossary transcription produced automatic engine account sucha ‘ length huge images theyare distinguished chiefs think spirits ranks divided striking rank food prepared ï¬Åre lower noticed differ tree eï¬Åigies oithe human eyes round shaped difference ï¬Årst attention degrees image kind higher “ quite visiting islands matter fathers necessary past step remains planted door — paid rough post ï¬Åve high blue like cross arms upwards white little feathers fern short stand trunk ï¬Ågures faces sticks nose entirely wear dried l‘ tethers suddenly released caught gave bundle torches younger carry rongl principal seller valuable laid right shoulder light swinging running times went tothe handed presented siul belni seven given addition received couple ï¬Åne mats said touch ’ mal’s sons standing danced clockwise sellers counter usual procession formed borne aloft thehead immediately followed arranged ï¬Åle rhythm circling fastened buyer torch signal burst came subsidiary names thegongs moving particular turn loud clear giving â€ù time elder struck beat ‘the ghost rear line changed passed returned ¢ repeated increasingly alternation drawn special brought forward conch blown dancingground smaller backs ceremony chest belly hair hibiscus flowers thrust wore yellow gathering guests home leading bringing trees party accounts parties gangs onthe middle lighted hands began circle rapidly ï¬Ånished took hand held ï¬Årmly tuskers approximately equal slight fence breaking left considerable stepped blow —a decorated nimzmgki interesting shows chief daughters morning night donor thing animal good going help cycas animals corresponding prospective visitors arrive helped proceedings sounded completed slow forth practised arts cause arrived return certain stones near removed leaves croton wrapped carried inside houses gathered instruments sense remarkable preï¬Åx coastal culture absent amongthe goes bythe tower placed holds gives taken come main calls highest towers yarn tubers coco nuts remained payment told words christmas deal example presumably height ones sitting group recipient presentation heard friends directed paternal expectto x— continued inthis believe ended departed evening gone thetwo invested purchased —c ‘i wrapper tether thepig occasion ling wash appears idea supposedto washed blood number curved greater away centre worth place walking pair carrying thedancing appearance complete banana leaf skirts bush simply stood isthe ashamed lamhumbu fall host groups path places having days ding receive save passing neck proceeds reserved walk passes just formula meaning look returns honour apparently earlier date withthe mm‘ takes rope saying performed manis purchasing great instead tied upright make composed parallel rows celebrations importance gather withwhich instance sheath againstthe docs does payments including looks makes present forthe tells thenumber acquire feather string thrusts receives paints occurs duty corpse manner coloured clearly corresponds introduce candidate mentioned ordinary unfortunately possible resembling ofthe ready erected stage thenimangki preparations distributed thisthe preparing attend bring somewhat nature tion actual imangki alter thesame ends records ‘l opening distinct constant feature probably usually hold canes posts stakes erythrina enters attained status newt notes general follows begins feast says sign shoot recognized whichis provide know ï¬Åxed reward service celebrated ï¬Ånal collected boy's purpose acquisition leave lowest ï¬Åres live unlike close word retained eats sister's mother'sbrother nephew various purchase theme —— malekulathe lads rite important wished heart boars intended wishes behaviour marked greatest respect elaborate request mentions real soon desires deï¬Ånitely belonged really setting pole thisis able tell partly borrowed equivalent runs written introduced £ belong class reason suppose includes neliu probable secondly itappears deacon's opinion associated manifold inthe states layard ï¬Ånd theceremony seen hole knowledge relation evidence theory linked type supposed whichthe regard include comprising nam‘ belongs suggest distinctive painting certainly classed ates symbol tartar rule vegetable portion kept description breaks closed title curious reference tomes theentrance informants mention allied based informant belongingto record contrary tear share song ï¬Ågure form numbul hanging pays stated introducer proceed bread iruit bodies sharpened means fruit bark tame reported executed eventually whichare amal cotton practices frond cord ritually likewise considered interval lemes represented foot thecandidate accompaniment rhythms pig's bracelet candidate's senior thenew attached ‘k sisal mbang seniors member actually matanhal dances hawk described sing tour walks stick bent temzs oncemore mbatia possibly pass mostimportant enclosed wrist litamate adds blowing imply manwho ï¬Ånally assume assistant mun‘ meviis spear resembles wall open beneath plant flames larger single tall poles varieties mbuas fourth shape attending brings numberof opposite throws candidates treated burnt eaten temss neighbouring possessed aman chapter preceding navel nani joined rectangular enclosure leaving true practically preserved associatedwith statement lies fact malandr beaten presenting man's variety game palm represents covering degree â &euro &oelig &rdquo ¬ å ï theâ phrase occur attributed proof eating belt ornaments sections exactly forehead sacriï¬Åcial dress worn acquired explanation referring witha doubt connection broad cutting thetemes roof andthe noon itis turtle shell armlet circles “the tabu doubtless existed distinction remembered parts fromthe space nearer distance potent entered term survives effigy indicates regarded uses desire individual born frequently man’s wish pudding tambap deï¬Ånite natives admission entering feet nimamgki signiï¬Åcance santo rise power intimately common mythological public thatwhich entranceto scale priv sold structures hammer inseniang region information aspect sukwe primar thirty wealth myth shall ghamal novices feel guardians darkness fear forced supporting forming luminous perform dark hoaxes performing bagho barnboos bamboos incisionrites walls approach terror birds mugh referred effect series performances duringthe days’ seclusion undoubtedly thenovices particularly following carefully completely covered especially appear kinds club facing bear allowed operation enter river inserted foreskin slit knife roasted previous bound secluded period observe tabus drink water develop supplied neighbours forms things piece thrown purposes careful intercourse known ofhis event woman asked play sight wound plays guardian physical needs continues purchases male grow homosexual novice thev lined raga developed lovers wives adult lover older termed refers employed rules association angry customary thisway restricted need necessar select strength differences omitted prominent naavavim taught unincised males arity played respects regards decided seeks sides join oneof bastard noise instrument sits hishead crotons care fasten lest sound voice thelast thesea looking bows arrows shooting ï¬Åfth relative selected warrior friend force thatit break powerful pieces begin nimo rubbed juice squeezed wounds lasts remain beginning ï¬Ålled membersof related mothers men's ï¬Å wants extent state ring theground wife’s coming operated stops steps passages aretaken direct lamburnbu &trade read nerewr amâ 'the suggests stake basket finally spot swung added puts pointed ritesof derived begun pairs testicles secret generally ofwhich aunt cries thebush avenue accompanied armed moon legs skin isnot seated havebeen backwards forwards taking explain prohibited occupied witness serve maul earth imitation rest reach puddings lines bullroarer inches ï¬Åsh returning thewomen expected smell comes female stre nearby onlookers branches atthe edge mouth classiï¬Åcatory constructed gardens specially crying process spoken leads waiting mother’s hisfriends newly shoots closes longer social pronounce ashes stretcher &sbquo uncle's nephew's sore responsible ù madeto theoperation control beach upper cuts pieceof asfollows practice erect lashed plaited person sent stationed succession change advent inland coast southcoast shown niviar conical lamp fashioned tting tightly months girls years nimungki working correct applied inï uence telling steal » piercing membership free demand course doors bumbu services teeth tooth andthis infant wife's overthe ofthis explained unable discover strictly patr ineal inheritance speak matr malekulans indicate customs prayer ancestors characteristic result included fowl thither pregnant alive nambal nagh taro watch irrespective coco~nut washing follow avoid contact root believedthat raised subject buried sleep closely named santa deta despite daughter grows divination looremew thereis cure simple isused notice festival nimbembew voyage nalau travel numerous canoes green diflerent bird nulau baskets omba thesouth arnbrym thenorth represent outrigger booms thehull reaching boards base leaning shore produce markets exchanges obtained owing surprised extracted opened benaur envy sociological community obligations purely thenature self occupation occasions harvesting folk meet accident channel replied deep pig’s thesun lived looked consider lustrated borrowing generosity mere fame sake tale isinteresting pigâ beast possession graded future sows husband's byher earned owner widow scniang plate mull mbï unit distant analysis observed points seventh ninth nalaw sprouting symbolizing nimbuah boarsâ alike projecting projects project commonly nambar mial buns castrated oros knocked nitavu speaking usedfor mzai surrounding extension literally mistake thelargest cheek species annual increase seselnggar mwelngg judging fragmentary unknown spikes trap dogs mechanism principle spring supple noose spread thefence snared shing lagoon narrow passage tide drive intothe shallow ways semi banks malekulain hook spears cane ofï plants theplants melanesian areas data activities meat pages fert private grass nearly shot quickly extreme bride source girl virgin price discovered married bride's remove clearing journey kindred grouping extended variation comparison brother's rivers groupings grandch sister’s father’s generation addressed daughter's primary grandfather grandmother personal lists mama grandson exist local exogamous europeans fundamentally cultural bimbi presence language sambsamp rnan mamwe differs indication alternative tsughus inealdescent identical reaches noticeable original noted melanesia using § survivors nosurvivors loor vivors total ofsurvivors sump vives vanbi lembw umou vanbo tanamal mbar pangpang § loorveli imale leirip totalnumber loormarit eium previously exists eachgrade nalawzm decoration cylinders hats dresses year variations aside naainggal possib cambridge museum melbourne alawan amzl sesmamiur telmbwir timbamp —the stoning nnlawan nimanghi _‘ trumpet nimbumbal mbwirmbwir nimimgki study inthese nemm mbwir bananas ï¬Åg lays late thegangs alau paint decorate shared wrote heap tamer lelengvdal armlets speciï d&at © mbou coco~nuts frame nivifat branch numbau amanrantus essentially excluded bull roarers roarer misi area nettle band characterized incisor skirt nimban nisivung mbei paths lupus nnlau likan linggul deceives igah shrubs nauwi bushes obtain marking died gradually ° natural victim deceased bier burial mium funerals exposed naandu’s vinmewun thespirit reached turned pork translation english nivinpiir itokh ° malamir thanthe cases writes famine naambi snake dwelt version beings elements contains bumba codrington strongly mythology tome legends clothes iumoran fundamental signiï¬Åcant kabul butwanabaghap influence recent totem eldest languages published woman's sort skulls sanctity mission magicians thatthe believed owned combined nikakal history world magical rain nowor powers sesai wind patient malevolent essential tivliis clairvoyant love charm spells spell muttering sorcerer poisoned doctor poison sydney book maewo ambrym moieties division fringed decomposition lamb paciï¬Åc turkey relating london paris anthrop inst revue collections passim vienna jour british h&at brides john gospel paisley jottings