Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, VanuatuDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People i...86884<< >>
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Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Bernard A. Deacon / Vanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

celebration ei, 446; rm Ceru-
monies, master 51 (Nssnm), 442;
111.-1, wiripeiienc societies of, rivalry
between, 438 ; Tkl, dual nature oi,
445, 44a; rm, grades ei. 4:15;
Tkl. initiation rifles into, 44a-452 ;
Tlel, novices to, duties and trifls
11!, 449, 452, 45a; Tlal, oi um-
bumbu, 455 5: seq, ; rm, Lnmbumbu
district (secret eeeiewl. 101; -nez
oi Lambumbu, sacrednesa 0!, 439 ;
1-1.41, origin of. 44e; 1121. reieeieii
oi Nalan ta. 459; Tlal, relation tn
Nnlawau, 459; 121, ewee tree 51,
445; ma, secret socictiea, 512;
Tomi-nan Island, no iiiieririeueii
regarding, 315; when bigheat
developed ie Malekula, use
Nimbizghai rites, women's atatun
alter, 459, 490
Nimbal nin, 291
Nimbatin Nanmal, 387; nowar (clan
ieegieieii), dutim of, 595; nvwvr,
rieee oiN41zr:w,pc.1'!ormed by, 505;
nowar, Work oi, chiefly beneï¬Åcial,
ass, 654
Nimbsï¬Åei oi‘ Seniuzg, rihnal 0!, 414,
475; secret society of, cannibalism
of meiiibere of, 29; victim at,
atrucities practised on, 476, 477
Nimbmubews, mnstructio-n 0!, cere-
monies connected wikh, 205; former
eee-going canoes ei sneui Count,
dgsnription, 204, 205 : social import-
auw 01, 205; Sptwinl me belore
ieeieeiiieg, 206 ; use oi, erziiiec. 201 :
various ceremonies at construction
Nimbimb zmieme (tangled undu-
gwwui) puslltiull in pieie ol village,
211114414451», grade 51 Nima/nghi, 295:
12141.1, dmcription 51, 295 '
iwmzimia (Taro), 115
Ntmbu mmp (Pan-pipe with eight
feuds), 42
Nimbumbal, characteristic dance of
Nalaman, ass; dance perlormed at
grade cexcmony, 421; in Nfllnwall
Nnuhlggal ceremnny, 991, -ass; iii
Nnlnwim Nisamp eeremeiiy, 405
Nimbfltiln naval, emiie set up during
erieririee rite: :5 New M541, ass;
sketch of, ass
Nï¬Åmbwi (m'm!m'] rem», e12
rirmliwaei Ambav, Lav, greae, 351;
structun-1 for entrance into, 414;
§‘g;nbon, as1; Timggor Revamp,
Nimlsinn (Death-ieast); rites 526,
Nimsw, description of rites by Tota,
528—332,' grads DI Nimangki, 324-
334; skehch of, 325; 326
Nimismzs (tree) 4.5 n meme, 603
Nimwnl gmdc of Nimanghi, ans-am
Nim1m'm'n (soul vr spirit). 541
Nindilmaols, used iii eeeee e4 double
of 0b'ect, 552
Niriggelu tree, sacrednesa cf, sea
Nininin ggeg, 511
memp, 1; iiee of in Nalawan and
Nimangki wmmoniul, ass
Ninsum (shell axmlnt), 165
Nisan 4'14 Mg (“tho jaw sanders"),
iunexal eererrieriy of, sea
ml, sacred things, 344, 4:48,
Nilzmah, funeral rite 04, 512, 514;
(Ghual). 511
Nilzmbwai, GYQCUOD 0| preceding
ee1e1iieiiieri of Nimavghi, 355
Nilzur out (Danna of e Nimangki),
aez, sea
Nmeee, eervea poles, 891; of Naln~
mm, 404, _ sketdzes of, 405
Niteur 4414411 [dance], a40
Niuelian mempiiiyieg import-ank
events iii mall’! lile, 2 4
Niuznnii1m,31a.xne IJa.ll'0d, 44
Niviar, iriii ip eerrrie. greiriieer oi.
125; Neeee, Ueflk, Bulgasa, 11.41 of
kinship lerms, for OOIl'lPa_Xis0!, 125 ;
bvlminology in relatives iri, 129;
village er district of, 9
Niuinfur, Illnural CEREMONY of, sso
Nivg 44, as1 ; highm‘ 114141114» Society,
Nil/Wat, gxnde, distinctive structure,
416; grade, €!|C‘|'3flGB ricee, 411
Nivupvawinl pre axation ol giri
novices, 450. 481?
Nimimln (soul or spirit of gig), 545
Neegnm cerenmnics in Lam ulnbll, 611.
12; new aiaerieg irerii nnynu or
nogho, em; me-giving curemonics
01, xviii; Nimbuah curemnny
rlesnribed. 611. 012; Nindnm,
yamiertilitycemlnnny, 621; Nimw
(Making of Man)i e15, 521;
Ndmur of Lambumbn, secrecy 04,
655; Nï¬Åmur ricee. Wu! Maul centre
of, ass
Nï¬Åg/H7, celebration by clamfenility
magician, sue ; CEREMONY to increase
loodstuï¬Å, aos; iaeeueei with
Nurew, ens; Ndnm, niree distinct
villages taking part in, e10 ; Ndam,
yam Nogho ei Venebubu, ens;
Nemughul of Lokhternisrnokh, ess;
objects 01 eierie, 1151 of, we; 51
Meipmee, rite connected with
hanwsl, 121; T114444 (Making of
Man), 559, 561, 616; 14145144. dune
ueri of, 549; Tilnbwe, ï¬Ånal rite of,
ass, e54; 14145414, a harvest
Iestival, 650; Tilabwa, 51 Mewun in
association wiui village of Meipriiee.
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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides [Set(s) 833]
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Object(s) ID 86884
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Title/DescriptionDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides
Author(s)Bernard A. Deacon
LocationVanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright Copying allowed for personal non-commercial use. Please quote ODSAS.
Rank 886 / 901
Filesize 428 Kb | 932 x 1435 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
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Quote this document Deacon, Arthur Bernard 1934 [accessed: 2024/6/14]. "Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides" (Object Id: 86884). In Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. ODSAS:
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