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The history of Melanesian Society (W.H.R. Rivers), Volume 2 (2629)

note transcription produced automatic engine history of melanesian in at introduction morphological comparison systems relationship melanesian social organisation descent inheritance succession marriage communism functions relatives linguistic secret societies tikopia kava betel beliefs ceremonial connected death immigrant influence totemism religion magic work material culture language dual conclusions melanesia volume chapter theoretical discussion first book consideration principles study mode argument based present moment exists wide different thought attitude evolution custom institution exclusively cultures standpoint altered began current english school belief little attention plexity individual changes in the case recent polynesian point melanesian society complex comparative which have recorded structure geographical tion terms facts purely scheme followed possible address british association nature suggested forms of the associated to the considering distribution conjunction reached apparent development traced place simple society general interaction peoples task evident complexity necessary complete knowledge not customs institutions make the change taken course might results shall consider subject survey process analysis importance had been foundation find true regard features time elements chapters stand written evolutionary left the come especially problem order best demonstration preserve motive differs begin account original believe conditions meet to those important state record line ways follow human method rude quite hope conclusion means kept know difi'erent possessed on the inquiry fundamentally chief attempt this approach main deeply it is difficult element common great need fact differ widely shows methods makes treatment it difference stands relation form dual organisation greater difficulty hand social organisation life people intimately introduced duty mechanism the cases possess historical examples assume the present parts world it may satisfactory came early stages matter presents idea the whole seated sight exist easy understand earlier inhabitants condition of one clear occurred in melanesia small bodies immigrants discover succeeded tions settled gradual words characters accustomed owing right preserved spite took holds good lies modern remains essentially concerned suppose modes applies social structure objects aspects obvious aspect proper ignore character blending melanesia” principle contact action lead dealt obviously passed separated question arises justified behaviour directly indirectly gives observed parts of assuming remote the most takes psychology hold we know mankind according regarded view obtain though kind kinds exact members of if impossible progress belongs properly making assumption only established connection dealing past extremely origin ised members individuals outcome relatively high in this however large word said title originally intended called pointed sense deal lastly primary purpose helped polynesia able does fully formulate propose number have been considered certain classification compared object classed categories parison be called compare reserve later pointing oceanic records is the diversity exactly there differences pentecost anaiteum society of coastal mountain fiji group banks islands classificatory mainly arity special feature fundamental devoted entirely on oceania live resemblances occur thus regions coast viti levu hebrides guadalcanar solomons inland between the northern southern arly the systems ulawa eddystone island closely resemblance respect physical shown generalisation systems of brought connection with direction places cross cousin peculiar features of nomenclature wife of mother's brother daughter’s daughter diverse ship causes depend the social lack evidence in other reference probab determined another struck variety richness having buin characteristic lives basis merely the further richest of polynesia it w example terminology universal i have associated with rights priv eges duties restrictions accompany seen numerous defined rich absent nomencla ture deta using presence personal names descriptive leave explanation groups relationships formed parents dren brothers sisters the father's sister's husband mother’s sister father's brother's wife father‘s consorts and ch grandparents grandch parent topic occasional absence distinguish father sons daughters mother denoted distinct term added there are is probable used person spoken male female in pentecost addition usual doubt samoa terms of separate lama found in tonga rela tionship from one distinction factors tongan wife intelligible birth of these source speak differing usually relative brother and speaking reciprocal term there is according to distinctions mbau among the tribes interior degree definite and the undoubtedly applied woman the brother a man corre is a brat addresses may noted collective the relationship suggests for the the people instead simplicity of malaita varieties from the equally corresponding rafurafu interesting district torres so that information correct apply reason disappearance it would working look which would category with exception mela nesian agree nearly receives designation the father with the fall patr ineal community nation follows naturally founded munity with matr moiety necessar marry mothers direct melanesian systems the father’s points rowa father’s personal where distinguished and sisters nandrau younger elder rule receive class position comes clearly exogamy matr belong majority western belonging reciprocal denote vella lavella a special man's significant the mother's sister’s persisted clearest manner function mother’s brother in tonga highly uncle powers mother‘s persons including the same classed with significance potential mota wives of marriage times practised widow married uncle’s is classed expected prohibited regulation prohibition addressed rate indicates noteworthy that a allowed that the classing disap pearance status as indicated clue cousins agreement orthodox longer the island definitely the wife natural consequence marries occupy correspondences brother's expect would the banks possible to though provides probable result cause generation these light transference nephew extension frequent poly nesia reef grandmother districts malaita shared mother's brother used for santa cruz as the obtained as in father's sister are denoted certainly long present time the custom marriageable favour hypothesis of nomenclature this relative generally dhawanisa region the husband given cristoval maternal the term wife’s goes described visited discovered turn the mother’s tanna brother’s ysabel vanikolo and merlav there that this existence when outside second correspondence women carried independent divisions actual cross~cousin cross—cousin named dependent provided consequences produce combined included thus practise the mother florida brother is indication bugotu complicated probably respectively consort these for allied gray safely cousin existed wife's supposed use of connected with is not avoidance return supported the terms recognised lava possibly spread solomon drawn this is went where there striking close dependence of different just thurnwald pedigrees occurs when cousin marriage somewhat the cross near grand parent parents mama usage intermediate communities of a grandparent extraordinary son’s reciprocity nomen clature eastern grandfather durrad santa cruz these relatives which has hawaian niue stage apparently meaning by marriage husband's conduct rules savo one reciprocally this various prefix denoting things elaborate regulations concerning daughter's mother and son's husband’s marriage of baessler accompanied that indirect larger instructive and wife one another extended older the wife's discussed preceding comparatively the solomons greatest names implies possib sexual relations vanua the case survivals existing recently of relationship assigned in fiji notes derived codrington used between couple help learn mutual helpfulness variant resemble allow limited the association exceptional related carries known calls dead eligible personal name husbands member bring certain features marriage with confident suggest precisely have produced provide furnish transition producing fathers fact that ideas indications applied to bougainv have a opposite sisters’ objection sexual relations connotation brothers’ sisters' means of heard gradually addressing girl procedure strange effect occasionally system of head conclude mentioned external tavua coming vogue doubtful hocart interpretation open brother of difficulties application fijian ever late society the father’s sister alternative practice term for for unusual unnatural the usual the fact modification trace save survival removed ence banks islands the marriage normally explain marrying gave instance relationship are it has arisen the presence possesses accepted appear viz daughter anomalous form of both marriages granddaughter held ground proceeding referred tradition occurrence unique actually at the dieri recognition generations “the australia london australian young stated simplification habitual unlikely alternate ancient was the normal explained before leaving been shown ities has been largely traces represents opinion new hebrides unable sought the other of fiji wholly resembling starting that they arose assumed certain ance like but this absolutely excluded remembered which i disappear matri lineal disappeared inquire have arisen social group rest riage the sisters the result formulating even hitherto in one respective evidently appears uses the practice should according again are used intercourse melanesimz farther perfectly here senior highest we have days in which combination continue ineal descent choice of his putting wished granddaughters dominance elders driven monopolise organised we supposition pitch immediate monopoly the young chance supply classes needs handing bringing the existence must have old men grew handed by the the dominance one of strong as a born the ch persist probable that greatly affairs superficial observer lasted arise pronounced confined remarkable taking confusion isolated forms of suggestive solely advanced bride house arrange opposition force conflict capture host internal by pages formulated accounts the matter the scheme accept pass harmony the only matrimonial inquire whether that there fourfold the southern step formulation to suppose power enable sufficient guide gerontocracy aborigines population limit widespread initiation rite chosen rank implied essential minds earliest divided moieties primitive would seem characterised distributed in that organi sation clan kinship wider pure the dual strongly affected grouping conclusive been derived represent local strangers division area remain south caledonia be a exogamous of melanesia passing told archaic property piece subdivisions john pantutun native uncertain correspond of sufficiently totemic typical avoided totem animals plants groupings animal plant eaten clans when the bowl food further totems sacred definition forbidden ghosts masks there can forward shortland possessive noun e the occasions viti levu such a sandwich and torres bush resem blance believed round the institution extensive occupies it was lage statement confirmed paid to this tamate tamale localised meta played part of the torres canoe ownership likely if the really states tells support regulated ruviana vella lavella genealogical regular of descent period developed mention loss organisations chieftainship which we find following ascribed european changed away hereditary islanders patri organisa advance progressive reduction processes increasing malikolo secondary transmission membership determining mean indicate chiefly involved supposing equivalent languages injure honour hardly mere depends ordinary carry differentiation years relation between melanesians antecedent extent belonged increase wh of this bear possessions and especially result of codrington‘ strict lepers' land share the sister's plot payments payment owner in malaita garden evidence that advent chiefs giving rise lepers’ sukwe factor motlav the word wealth suéwe prominent the evidence the general wish vested interests to have received pigs gift regarded as purchase investigation events satisfy proceedings actions representation persistence home mind hypothetical growth real connivance the old secondly that these ment external influence sign dominance of and that higher avoid suggestion practices variants contrast little doubt limitation possession desire respects develop nearest these islands price remained inter the group ocal communistic sexual communism suggesting plural especial body aware potentiality strongest conversation openly laxity adoption adopt performed infanticide indi individual marriage jealousy movement enter inclined lived so definiteness goods and polynesia thoroughly polynesians participation closer aunt settle leading ritual hands veto rites root eromanga and taboo diffused taxi game uniformity represented tupu tumbu adopted uniform would have replaced superior stratum intro ascribed to stock pronoun pronouns comers secret societies gama north the secret entered ranks secrecy gamal men's club ceremonies the societies aboriginal population aboriginal public cult amate admission tamale societies candidate religious ghostly by which numbers fish bird nanga tikopian mariner of tikopia isolation tikopians ancestors drink chewed chewing