Australian Archives and TextsDavidson D.S. 1928. The Chronological Aspects of ...92179>>
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Davidson D.S. 1928. The Chronological Aspects of Certain Australian Social Institutions (917)

australia note transcription produced automatic engine chronological aspects australian as chapter anomalous hunting territories social organization patr descent marriage exogamy distribution practice tooth initiation southeast types moiety sets to cross section subincision institution theoretical questions involved study problems european continent expect great attempt determine cultural of a people characterized race such a comparatively simple material culture australians spite of the attention given we little nearer tion true received considerable consideration world it pointed exceptions methods data information brought possible lack conclusion various students to the hand main theories the theory hypothesis may conclusions reached explain entirely ethnological present time result cases known exist it would permissible used regions ltnown respect traits seem to possess allow there continental limits quite accurately determined ll phenomena observed distributions view past point origin developments undergone kind following like discussion believe seen history approach stands right prove mind explanations for the manifestations field appearances held maintain future state facts offer ment does concerned undoubtedly drawn conditions existed for deta diffusion necessary differ considerably considered light possib trait areas subsequent positive instances geographical distribution elements indicate historical geographical discernible follow convergence factors significance support evidence contention logical explanation in first place certainly come century there are second american hardly parts arrangement unit apply principle method determining term group religious progress life nature having sense connection specific instance contrast apparent implied reason restricted immediately definition unity generally seldom area peoples divided division based classification region total basis extend features taken serve now able notice fact tend that centers surrounded number periphery particular furthermore noticed words definitely matter certain typical indicated mother identical common arities center widely possessed idea rule form reckoning times closely associated grouping plex called contributory complex gives independently derivative ship follows greater has been derived equal tribution just evident subsequently development course influence invention discovery characteristics accepted advanced lost later favorable suited find general improve expected develop greatly appear improvement direction resulted since individual consider good meet continue separately connected different belong is added ization changes primitive know case that the change rapidly line certain institutions forced assume regardless contrary cultures centuries island northern islands seemingly separated groups resulting internal pressure external influence ever occupied examples migration natural difiusion obvious turn eventually originally situation existence influences pass aspect five taking ing complexity mentioned outside multitude question conducive statement it has differences caused contact intense natives west culturally example native small east the latter said structure marginal recent today evidences tive simplicity instead strongly aboriginal means suspect diffused foreign mean addition extension dren society indigenous rest period smaller establish relative locality southern south america secured have consistently long chronology shown retained original usually bring diffuse occupy position assuming relationship series intervals order purely understanding we may principles actual hypothetical lies entire established spread rate intensity and arranged importance if presence custom would impossible demonstrate indicates developed located related correctly directions subse condition goes approximated important work correct cause diflusion local north confined manner ones constant exists political feature ‘he limit speaking takes migrations eliminate followed regular presents problem solution factor discussed localities have been central stated represents conception respective vast opinion step constitute influenced range eastern coast coastal western distributed districts lands ownership ocality antiquity normal tribes ceremonies large type rites practiced designated circumcision accompanied appearance in the sequence came apparently operation consists reports gulf spencer queensland reported rite northwestern wales country conclude territory mining separate circumcised location this however contiguous doubt peripheral recently mara anula arunta dieri male complete says kariara northwest brown intermediate older represent concept which degeneration land inherited local group members probably victoria totemic radical definite moieties classes totemic sibs groupings woman sibs noted the continent arnhem southwestern absent characteristic class tour dichotomous systems dual assumption fit scheme subject finally peculiar distinct pattern occupies organized transitional the moiety paternal regard marry stand adopted names divisions spreading class system indirect father women equivalent the four intervening originated named functions respectively centralized to maternal direct matr ineal descent eight class the eight organi on supported barriers the moieties arrangements arises moiety names strange investigation traces consistent melanesia in australia ateral ineal fundamental appears that it it is rise proof urabunna kulin confusion according composed substitution descended require the marriage character daughter kariera totem mother's probable type ii laws cousin endogamy girl totemism conceptual carried royal london