The Red Bowmen_Neg and Prints_Film crew

Collection(s) Owen, Chris WORK (id: collection 77)
ID ODSAS set 2886
Author(s) Owen, Chris
Owner Pascale Bonnemère
URI /set/2886
Year/Period 1975
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 8 Object(s)
Abstract Digitised photo negatives and prints of film crew ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
279922 Chris Owen1975Les McLaren, sound recordist (left) with field assistants and carriers Punda village, Sandaun Province Umeda (upi)
279798 Chris Owen1975Les McLaren, sound recordist (left) with field assistants and carriers Punda village, Sandaun Province Umeda (upi)
279799 Chris Owen1975Les McLaren, sound recordist (left) with field assistants and carriers Punda village, Sandaun Province Umeda (upi)
279923 Chris Owen1975Les McLaren, sound recordist (left) with field assistants and carriers Punda village, Sandaun Province Umeda (upi)
279926 Chris Owen1975Les McLaren, sound recordist (left) with field assistants and carriers Punda village, Sandaun Province Umeda (upi)
279921 Chris Owen1975Les McLaren, sound recordist (left) with field assistants and carriers Punda village, Sandaun Province Umeda (upi)
279924 Chris Owen1975Les McLaren, sound recordist (left) with field assistants and carriers Punda village, Sandaun Province Umeda (upi)
279925 Chris Owen1975Les McLaren, sound recordist (left) with field assistants and carriers Punda village, Sandaun Province Umeda (upi)