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Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1 / Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1 / Commissaires, Résidents /  Vanuatu/ Vanuatu
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

Joint Regulatimu [Il o‘f 1938


(a) the general aversight cf public health in the New Hebrides;

(b) the giving ofœehnical advice tc the Resident Commissioners
on al] questions concerning public health and native
medical welfare;

(c) the Preaidency ol' the Sanitary Commission;

(d) the exercise of a general contra] over the ofiicers of the
public health services of the Condominium;

(e) the carrying out and enforcement cf provisions relating to
quarantine and preventive messures against epidemic and
communicable diseuses;

(f) tbe supervision of the public health services of Viia.

7. Correspondence from any public henlth ofiîcer to the
Resident Commissicners shail be sent through the Chief Condomin—
ium Medica] Ofiicer, who shall nccompnny the saine by his observa-
n'ons thereon.


Du‘rm or CONDOMmmM Mnmcu. Omcaxs

8. All Condominium Medical Ofiicers shall undenake the
following duties in addition t0 any duties which they may be required
t0 perform for their respective national services, namely—

(a) the giving offree medical attention t0 ail natives ofthe New
Hebrides subject to the provisions oi' articles 16 and 17
the giving oi‘ free medical attention to oficers of the
Condominium services and thei: families; providcd,
lmwever, that, when the medical ofi'icer is required to treat
an oflicer or his family in the oflicers’ quartiers 11e shal] be
entitled to charge such fees as shsll be fixed by the Resident
Commissioners. Except in urgent cases Medical Oficers
shaJl not be bound to givc îree attention hereunder except
at tbe institution to which the Medical Oflicer beionga and
between the hours of 8 and 9 o‘clock in the moming;

th: making of free medical examinations cf and reports
on oflîoeis and employees of the Condominium Services
when so required by Lbe Resident Commissioners.



9. (A) Condominium Medical Ofiicers shsll have the general
oversight cf the puhlic health cf th'eir districts and shall from time
to time report to the Resident Commissioners all matters afl'ecting
the public health cf their districts which shall comc t0 their notice.

(B) When ordered by the Chief Condominium Medicni
Office: and with the approval cf the Resideut Commissionets.
Condominium Medical Ofiioers and Native Medical Practitioners
ahall mnke tours cf inspection of their districts and shall report
thereon to the Resident Commissioners.

public hum:

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Oceania - Pacific early and rare books and writings -- Océanie - Pacifique: livres et textes anciens et rares [Collection(s) 2]
Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1 [Set(s) 1918]
Meta data
Object(s) ID 197374
Permanent URI https://www.odsas.net/object/197374
Title/DescriptionRèglementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1
Author(s)Commissaires, Résidents
Location Vanuatu/ Vanuatu
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright The owner has not defined any specific copyright. By default you are not allowed to copy information from this page
Rank 369 / 754
Filesize 350 Kb | 1073 x 1517 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
Transcription[ See/hide ]
Quote this document Commissaires, Résidents 1973 [accessed: 2024/4/27]. "Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1" (Object Id: 197374). In Règlementation Conjointe des Nouvelles-Hébrides, Tome 1. ODSAS: https://www.odsas.net/object/197374.
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