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Wirntiki song cycle 
by Teddy Morrison Jupurrurla, Lajamanu, 1995

translated from Warlpiri with Barbara Gibson Nakamarra (1995) and edited for the CD-ROM Dream trackers (UNESCO, 2000) by Barbara Glowczewski

waru waru jaralyuralyu waru waru

watiyarla pajarnu watarurru palunyanu yapaku yungulpala
They covered with leaves and said we go.

yangka marduju duju kangu yalawuru yangkama

They carried their mardu dishes, kurdungurlu bin say, Lunpa the Kingfisher,
'Anyway, we can pass.'

ralyuralyu waru waru karnajarra
Through they go, alright now.

kariyarla wini wini yamangka kariyarla

That's winingka (burnt) now, yamangka (in the shade), karlikarlipa (big mob of birds) tarngakalinyanu kuja ngulajuku. With watarurru leaves they get through the fire.
He bin feel himself wirliya (foot) fire jangka (burnt), jangkaja, hot one, jurjulpangaja yamangka karijalpa
(he went in the shade). 

Wirntikiji warlu jangka yanurlu kurlira, alright nganayi Warayanarla, yangka Rabit Flat kurlira Kangakala yanu. (The Stone curlew burnt by the fire went south, to Warayana, south from Rabbit Flat)

Parparija, parparija (they fly), kankarlu (on top), two devil bin there, Mamingiri (long and big one, talks like a bird). That for Japangardi, Alec Tasman, Kungariya mob from father, for his father they bin lose him. They got this new outstation now, Warayana.

yanurlu kangulumpara piripiri manu
Right longa where road now they sit down there.

pintilpa nyinalulu kangulu taratararla
They bin landing (laugh) from sky!

tuwalala nganyanya wirntiki na wirntiki
tuwalala yalarla
Another he bin go cross, running cross, same wirntiki, he bin just running. They went to Wurrulyuparnta.

Wurulyu marna karinya karinya
Well that the place now, we are in Wurrulyu now.
We longa different place now. He bin look country, not two men but big mob.

Wurulyu karinyanya ngurrangka karinyanya
Different one country they look. They bin sing now.
All right he bin make ngurra (camp) now.

ngurrampalangula yaluparanila ngurrayi ngurrayi manta
I make him camp anyway here. I make it in. Women and men bin travelling together. They bin sing out longa women, they bin sit down in shade.

yamakarlara winpankanya
Women bin sing himself, pinji pinji (breast) they bin singim. Sun go down. Women sit south way, the shade passing over them.

yamakularni winpankanya
That women they bin singim, big mob, other side, that shade, and that women bin sing, close to the shade now.

yamayintirri winpankanya
They sit close underneath the shade now.

yamakakarara winpankanya
He bin go back ngurrakurra (to the camp) now, they bin hear him one baby born, they bin listen la him

kanjingka, parna kirkirmanyanya, langangku parna purdanyangurra
Baby bin cry now, that’s what they heard. They bin start now, they bin sit down couple of days and they start.

yapurna wurna yirarnu pindiny pindiny pawulu
We go very far now. Yuwayi (yes) yanikarlipa (we go), wiyarpa

jintarrakanpa wurlumpur pardi
All lot we gonna go. And they bin start jealous one another.

warantili karna pakarnini walkara pakarni
Start fight now over that kid now, all way along, jealous fight, waranti that means jealous.

Nangala wanjiwanji wararagku Napurullaku
Two fellow bin start, granny, jaja bin fight all along
Might be they bin love him, might be Japanangka. Two fellow bin after that man. That’s why fight bin start. That’s true and we tellim junga.

pijapija kuja ngujuju pantarli nyinanya
That’s jukurrpa, he bin walk no majardi. 
'Look that old man him wiripanta! Why you two fellow fight, big one you have him?'
That’s the song they bin singim all the women.

puta ngarnutu wayalpara puta ngarnutu
'Japanangka want that young girl,' they bin singim, 'he want the young girl,' women bin sing. 'That’s the Dreamtime.'

karnatangutangu kayilitarakura
We go north.

They bin carryim all the things, putim on the shoulders and carryim along, kularda spear, might be karli boomerang.

warluma rajimantari jimama tururukurura
They bin look my dreaming warlu, fire from Malunguru, mine one, not Jurntu, 'nother warlu belong Wirntiki from Wurulyuwanta coming this way. I bin see. Where I live longa Mirirdi, south from Lajamanu, through Parnta. I got this outstation there, for all my grandsons they work, they bin plantim all the trees, garden, two houses and two tanks, everything in my place.

yalawuru kunpu alamatujutuju kantupanturna
They bin sit up, go west that fire, from Malunguru he bin go close. 
'I don’t know what I’m gonna do, might be we get burn!'
He bin think about like that.
Alright, that’s what he bin tell him
'People take watarurru leaves and branches!'

watarurru pinarlu kayira pirlili
Leaves they put to cover from fire like for the Jardiwanpa

waruwarukarna jarrawalyuwalyu
Flames go through from the bush fire. All the way he bin go Mungururpa side and through Malunguru, that’s the last place, my fire.

wini wini yamangka kariyarla
We in shade now, happy.

mawu mawu yalipilpilpi unga
With kunpu they wet themselves, make himself cool him down feet.

yama pantirninya yama kujarra
'We makim yama (shade) now!'

yama kujarra pantirninya pantirninya
Make himself big boughshade everywhere, everyone

naripinpila naripanpala
They bin no water only nari-ngili pangurnu, they just dig earth and cover themselves. 

minirranyirra pawurla mari yanyanya
Alright, when wind bin blow like that, now water from the South they bin smell from Kulpulunu and Jiwaranypa.
Rain bin travel
'Ah, ngapa there!'

manijardu manijardu wurru wurrukurra kanirarli nyanu
They bin wakim up one another.
'Now, yanirlipa (let’s go)! We go to the water!'

ngapaku karlukari juwaruwaru yanyanya
They bin go west side, and they saw ducks running.
'I might be close up longa water now?'

wurna karkanya pantayrl pantayrl panjinarla kitil kitil karkanya
They been look duck now.

tamara mara jipilyaku wurnu
True alright they sit down in the water now. That water, Wirntiki bin come.

pirntilipa nyinalulu kangu tara tararla
They bin sing himself, we sit longa water now. 

Wirntiki yarijita manjangka yalurumpu
They sit by the water, wurrururla, Jangala and Jampijinpa they bin sit, they saw the Wirntiki Stone Curlew.

Wirntiki yarlijata manjangka yarlulungu
Place we callim Ngurunyngku from our skin, Jupurrurla and Jakamarra to Japanangka and Japangardi skin, they change over in Wurulyuwanta.

pakarnini pakarna warantirli walkara pakarni
They been start waranti, jealous fight again.

Nangala-rlu wanji wanji warararlu Napurullarlu
Nangala and Napurrurla women bin start, start fighting again for man.

wayalpara wayalpara puja nganutuku nganutuku puja
Wiyarpa jealous that Jukurrpa, they sing.

kuja ngulyulyu pantarli yanyanya
That far longa Ngurunyungku, we leave him.

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Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski [Collection(s) 28]
Audio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Australia, 1984 [Set(s) 709]
Meta data
Object(s) ID 70145
Permanent URI
Title/Descriptionsing cycle of Wirntiki/Stone Curlew from Mungurrurpa and Puluwanti/owl from Yinapaka
Author(s)Teddy Morrison Jupurrurla
LocationLajamanu, Tanami Desert, Central Australia
Coordinateslat -35.27 / long 149.08
Copyright Barbara Glowczewski
Rank 81 / 83
Filesize ? Kb
Transcription[ See/hide ]
Quote this document Glowczewski, Barbara 1995/12/16 [accessed: 2025/2/17]. "sing cycle of Wirntiki/Stone Curlew from Mungurrurpa and Puluwanti/owl from Yinapaka" (Object Id: 70145). In Audio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Australia, 1984 . ODSAS:
Annotation layer(s)Teddy Morrison singing   (wanta: transcription)