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UMP Politikol Platform / UMP Politikol Platform / UMP / Vanuatu

[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

- Help mo advaes blong mekem gud qualiti, regular quantiti,
blong faenem bes system blong preservem ol prodius long rod
casem ples blong salem ol prodius ia.
- Help mo advaes blong fixim gud praes blong ol prodius blong
Vanuatu long ol ovasi market.
- Help mo advais blong protectem market blong ol prodius
blong Vanuatu long ol kantri long wold.
Notis : Pati i bilif strong se agricalja mo cooperatif agricol nau
tufala i save helpem ol ni-Vanuatu blong winim mani hlong
olgeta. Tude Kaveman i askem taxe. mo ol fees hlong ol
diferen servis blong hem : ol ni»Vanuatu ol i save pem taxe
mo ol i save pem fees nomo sapos ol i gat mani.
Pati i luk tude se ol ni-Vanuatu we ol i laef long aeland ol i
no gat inaf mani. O ol i no gut mani nating hlong pem laxct
mo ol fees wc kuveman i askem.
Blong mekem se kavcman i no pulum ol pipol ia long cut
hlong nuting.
Pati i jusum pmcriti hlong htm. Pracriti ia hcmi :
l “I implimentesen_ hlong Land Polisi hlong hem
2"/ implimentcsen hlong Reform polisi hlong hem uhziot
cooperatif agricol.
Pati i considercm se Vanuatu i no rijim hae level blong hem yet us
wan faenensiol senta.
Pati i cnnsidercm sc i gat ncsesiti hlong studi gud posibiliti blong
status hlong hcm as facncnsiol sentit.
Pati i considerem se status hlong kantri as fuenensiol senta i no onli
wan ki hlnng pusum 0 crictcm economic hlong kantri lacnensiul
senlzμhcm i wan long ol condiscn hlong dcvclopmen hlong kuntri.
Pati i luk Save tu se i gut plandc way yet hlong pmmotem cconomi
blong kantri. Mo sam fala way ia ol i beta mo long status hlong
faenensiol scnta wc Vanuatu i carcm nao.
Faenensiol senta i gal positifrisal hlong hem mo i gat negatif con-
sequence hlnng hem tu long saet hlong economic developmen hlong
wan kantri.
Pati i considerem se Tourism hem i wan industri we i crietem wok mo
i kivim mani long Kantri.
Pati i luk save tu se Tourism hem i wan denja blong calja mo tradisen
hlong pipol hlong Vanuatu.
Pati i luk save,tu se tourism hem i wan higfala bisnis blong ol big inter-
nasonal campani long wold. Pati i luk save se big campani ia oli save
iusum kantri blong youmi blong winim mani mo i gat big denja tu
hlong luk se ol big campani ia ol i no gat eni respect 0 consideresen
long calja mo tradition blong youmi.
Pati i luk save tu se Vanuatu hem i wan kantri long Pasific we plande
pipol o plande campani hlong tourism, oli wandem iusum blong
ronem bisnes blong olgeta. Pati i stap strong blong protectem Kantri
blong youmi agains ol campani ia o ol pipol we ol i save salem kantri
blong youmi long hand blong wan tourism system we youmi save luk
long Hawaï 0 long French Polynesia (Tahiti).
Pati i acseptem tourism long kantri bat long strong condisen we
Tourism i no kilim calja mo tradisen blong kantri.
Pati i luk save se tourism hem i wan isi bisnes mo samtaem tourism i
save tekemaot strong tingting blong ol pipol spesiali ol yang pipol we
ol i wandem wok long graon blong olgeta olsem farma.
Pati i diclerem se tourism i save cam long samfala ples long kantri
nomo. Spesiali long ples we i no gat tumas denja blong kilim calja mo
tradisen blong Vanuatu.
- Pati i luk save se tude plande airlaen campani long wold ol i stap
lukaot ol kantri blong negosietem ol bisnis blong olgeta. Ol
campani ia ol i wandem ple monopol blong holem ol airtrafic bat
semtaem ol campani ia ol i no reli interesting blong economic
developmen blong kantri.

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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
UMP Politikol Platform [Set(s) 753]
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Title/DescriptionUMP Politikol Platform
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