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UMP Politikol Platform / UMP Politikol Platform / UMP / Vanuatu

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This is nut an itemized or complete list of measures as these cannot
be planned in advance without being fully informed of the actual Situ-
ation within the present Vanuaaku Party government. However we
wish to clearly state our firm intention. as of now. with emphasis on
certain priorities. to steer the country in a new direction, that offrec-
dom. progress and development.
The whole country is now in zi state ofsuspense. waiting. but waiting
for something different from the Vanuaaku Party`s policies. lt is
W“li"tï W l“~` tllVs`" access to expansion. to be rcinstated in its former
living conditions prior to liidependcns. to he led back to the road to
social development.
That is the meaning ot' the platform "Hou to get Vanuatu bm-|< mm,
the tight miek".
It t.¿tN|›
A ic policy on I ind rctμiiits rcvicwing in ordcr to sLt,iir¢ |nv¢S|,“¢n[,-
.intl gain the trust ol the iiiiiestiirs.
'l`hc Uiiioii ol Motleratc Parties must einpliasi1.c the concept fit'I'ind
"W'“`ffih'P_- |›1HNl is. first and foieiiiost. a coinmodity l`or exchange
lictwecii iii-Vaiiiiatu :is piovidctl in Sections 7l to 78 ofthe Coiistitu-
tion. llie land /_cl which was approved by the Vanuaaku Party goes
.igainst econoiiitc development and represeiits a gravc cause ofsoehl
iiiittlsticp V;/hat tlicvVa|iu:iakii Party claims so widely to bc ciistoiii
invi iip nothing cu.toii1.iry .ihoiit it. lt is purcly and simply an
h'l`c I itl ii ol tic V.inu.i.iku l.irty. (ioing wa) back in liistoiy, land
L-,Gil Way: 1c|cn .iii cxchangeahle commotlity among people in our
't - . . . . . . - ` .. ›..
_ry. ii t ic otliti hand. tlic concepts ot Icascs and rentals have
bccii imported lroin clsewherc and liave nothing to do with custom
here. `
Moreovcr. this land policy is also zi delinite source of inflation,
especailly in urban areas whcrc rents have increased dramatieally
since indcpcndencc. If we maintain the policy initiated by the
Vanuiiaku Party, our agricultural produce shall never he competitive
on our neighbours` markets around the South Pacific because they
:ire too expensivc. The time has come to alter the Vanuaaku Party's
policies in order to promote the transfer of properties built in urban
areas, in line with a liberal economy in which no government body
may interfere in the dealings of the parties concerned. and further to
enable every ni-Vanuatu living in town to have his own accommoda-
tion without having to worry about the formalities imposed by
institutions such as VULCAN. which is a parasite organisation from
an economic point of view as it now stands.
2) Agriculture
Vanuatu`s economy is based mainly on its agriculture. Under the
present circumstances there can be no economic growth unless a
programme is set up for the development of the agricultural sector.
And any plans for agriculture go hand in hand with an appropriate
land policy.
On the basis of a liberal economy. the next government must intro-
duce an agricultural development plan adapted to Vanuatu.
The central government should parcel out the vast expanses of
uncleared land to encourage young farmers to work plots which they
could either own or rent. The islands would be divided into agricul-
tural zones where crops would be planted that are best suited to their
particular soils and climates. The farmers would be given support
and assistance from experts working for the government.
To this end
The government, will he responsible for setting up basic infrastruc-
tures, being :
_ roads
› plots of land
-irrigation or drainage systems ;
providing technical assistance in :
- methods of cultivation
- marketing procedures.
The government should work more closely with bodies such as the
IRHO_ the IRCC, the CDC to establish an appropriate agricultural
programme for Vanuatu.

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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
UMP Politikol Platform [Set(s) 753]
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Object(s) ID 78252
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Title/DescriptionUMP Politikol Platform
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