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UMP Politikol Platform / UMP Politikol Platform / UMP / Vanuatu

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3) E; and Agricultgal C0-o[ÈiL/es
It hehoves the government to promote the export ol' its
Therefore it must standardize its relationship with other Pacific
couiitries and endcavour to identify ways and means of avoiding the
excessive taxation which is currently lcvicd. possibly with the help of
orgaiiisations like the South Pacific Commission.
We should he more enterprising in marketing our products with
respect to countries like Japan. onc of our biggest potential custo-
('o-opertitives should he reiiistatetl undei* ii dil`l'crcni forinat. with
less bureaiiciacy. under coiitrolletl decentralisation. ln Vtiiiuatu. co*
operntives slioiild not he iiient to import "777". but to assist in pro-
ducing and exportmg the local produce to other Pacific countiies.
The organisation ol`co~opei'atives should not be the responsibility ol'
the goveriinieiit us it places un unnecessary burdeii on its budget.
Agricultural co~operatives offer a good basis for helping farmers and
for training ni*Vanuatu who :ire interested in farming. The co*
opcrtitives' could provide technical assistance to farmers and small
holders alíke_ organise the transport of prodticts and obtain hettcr
prices for thcir goods.
Thc Vanuaaku Party`s policy of import monopolisation has to he
ahandoned and liberal economic practices must be restored in line
with Vanuatu`s calling of a fiscal paradise,
F' al P d`
isc ara isc
Any fiscal paradise has its good and had points. At present. Vanuatu
cannot benefit from the advantages, only suffers the disadvantages.
because of the government`s foreign policy which is firmly oriented
towards the Eastern Block. Our foreign policy has to alter so as to
enhance our image as a fiscal paradise.
ln this regard, it should be pointed out that the Companies Act of
October 27th. 1986 is not suitable as it implies company discrimina~
tion. Why should companies governed by French law be made to dis-
appear when they operate perfectly smoothly in Vanuatu il There is
an obvious risk that many of them will simply pull out ofthe country
as a result of this legislation.
5) Credit- Savin s - Devolo ment Bank
There can be no economic development unless a proper credit policy
is set up There is a Development Bank inVanuatu.bUî I! IS Uflflblfl 10
operate -as it should because our laws prevent it from fulfilling its
function properly.
The Development Bank is the tool which enables ni-Vanuatu to
obtain loans' at good terms and to set up_ ni-Vanuatu pwncd
panies. This Bank should also he _granting loans to armcrs an
others living in rural areas or in the islands so that they can develop
transport facilities.
6) t*
-- . . .._.¿'-,t"dnc
Help the citizens. the private sector and thgco orpcr ttgäñcldflin lhvš
domestic and oversetis markets. lruin ala our orclc m mduüs
techniques ot developing and marketing aniialut phwl hi-
lînsure tlie necessary control while maintaining cat y
7) Investment
- ,.','- *`rder
lliiiitcdlatcly rcvicw the t xi~.tin1_|_tiws l_ovcinini_ invcstincn: in «;_mm
to remove the ohstacles preveiitiiig local oi lorcign invcs ors
iiivesting loi' the country s development.
tn Iwifiizi
This is 'in industry which createseinploymcnt and makes the eountrl'
` ~ ..*-›h¢iit
known. lt must theretore hc dcvclopcd_ whilc iii.ikin¿_ surc l i
docs itot ullccl Mclancsian customs and traditions. I
,,` , _.. -~vi~we¢
llie relevant legislation and aiilinc .igrccmciits should lzcorlcg :mm
in the best interest ol the country and the tranrsïpor .l`ivl|cJ(yl-Ihn
should be improved to attraet / LW _ ~
Japziitcsc. Ncw-Y.t:al:iiid. /nii:i'iciin and lziiiopenn tourls s.
,_ . , . . « 1 ~- - i n :i smaller
loiirisiii can also he cxtcndcd to thc rural arcas. bu o
scale and alter hearing peoples views.

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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
UMP Politikol Platform [Set(s) 753]
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Object(s) ID 78253
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Title/DescriptionUMP Politikol Platform
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